732-749-7614 | 732-749-7615

If you are not entirely satisfied with your order, returns may be accepted at Zoe Services LLC. Prior to returning the products, please take note of the following guidelines:

  1. CALL first before sending back your order. Returns will not be accepted, refunded or honored without calling our office to inform us of the products you are returning.
  2. A customer care representative will give you instructions on how to make a valid return to our office. You will be given a Product Returns Confirmation number which you will attach to the package you are returning.
  3. In some cases, when you CALL to inform us of product returns, it’s possible that we will send you a replacement or make other arrangements. This will be evaluated by the Customer Care Representative.

Please give us a call for your questions and concerns – 732-749-7614 or 732-749-7615.